Parent Page: About id: 26204 Active Page: Research Resourcesid:26378

Research Resources

OUHSC Resources

Foundation Center

Foundation Center Database

Search the expanded Foundation Center Databases at the Dulaney-Browne Library. Call to make an appointment for an initial 5-10 minute tutorial by the librarian.

Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources

The Proposal Writer's Guide

The Proposal Writer's Guide: Overview

An overview of how to begin planning a proposal with details about writing an abstract or summary, background or significance section, or how to begin a budget.

Proposal Writing Short Course 

NIH All About Grants PODCAST

NIH Extramural Program

IRB Resources

Government Grants

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

State Regents website provides events, training opportunities, PowerPoint presentations, mentoring, writing resources and external evaluators. 

Grant Opportunities

Nursing Organization Grants

Research Office Documents

Faculty Research Interest